Preschool Opening
Preschool Opening
November 07, 2012 at 9:11 AM
After days of torrential rain Thursday 22 March dawned warm and sunny for the Official Opening of Saint Kentigern Preschool. Many sleepless nights of worry by Mrs Nash and Mrs Hastie were over. Our official guest was the Rt. Hon Mr John Key – Prime Minister. After being piped into Preschool Dr Bruce Goodfellow spoke followed by the Director Mrs Sue Nash who gave an amusing speech on how she convinced Mr Key to come to Preschool. Foundation pupils spoke on what they loved about Preschool including the art, the outdoor play area, French lessons, their ‘beautiful teachers’, their friends, swimming lessons and macaroni cheese for lunch!
The children were the stars of the day which is what Mrs Nash wanted and they sang an amazing rendition of “Reach for the Stars”.Mr Key and Mrs Nash unveiled the Plaque before foundation pupils Chloe McGregor and Matthew Phipps presented Mr Key with a personalized piece of art, drawn by the children, for his office!
Mr Key went into the Preschool and had lots of fun sitting on the little seats, talking to the children and drawing a picture of his office in the Beehive on our interactive screen!
It was a fantastic day for everyone with lots of amazing memories for all who came.