Preschool Flora MacDonald Day
Preschool Flora MacDonald Day
March 24, 2014 at 3:20 PM
The youngest of our Saint Kentigern girls eagerly counted down the days to Flora MacDonald Day, a special fixture on the Girls’ School calendar. This was the chance for Preschool girls to dress up in all things tartan and help celebrate the Scottish heroine and Saint Kentigern’s historic ties to the Gaelic isle.
Flora MacDonald lived in the 18th century. At age 23, her bravery saw her risk her life to smuggle the fugitive Prince Charles Edward Stewart, or better known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, from Scotland over to the Isle of Skye. The unique traditional celebration day recognises the difference Flora MacDonald made to others and her true strength of character.
Whether it was plaid ribbons in their hair or a tartan kilt or sash, the Preschool girls all wore their own touch of Scotland on the day. They proudly joined in with the older girls on the march around the campus as the Pipes and Drums band led the way.
The Preschool boys will have their opportunity to honour their Scottish roots as they join in on Celtic Day at the Boys’ School next month.