Preschool athletics day
Preschool athletics day
October 24, 2013 at 11:54 AM
Not even the fine and misty morning drizzle was to deter our youngest athletes from their Preschool athletics day held at the Boys’ School this week. Instead, the morning’s activities simply moved location from outside on the top field to inside the large gymnasium in the Jubilee Sports Centre.
There were many parents, grandparents and friends all ready to help out on the day. In high spirits, the children all listened carefully to the game instructions before they were split into their activity groups along with their helpers. Then it was time for on your marks, get ready and give it your best shot!
Making sure their number one supporters were watching, a whole lot of fun and learning was had as the students took part in football goals, hurdles, hoop jumping, tennis ball throwing and an indoor modified high and long jump. Much concentration was required for the kiwi favourite egg and spoon race and there were plenty of laughs in the sack races.
A few spills were had over the hurdles, and as the adults joined in, it was hard to tell at times who was having the most fun!