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Popular Food Truck on Campus

10 November 2016

Popular Food Truck on Campus

November 10, 2016 at 3:28 PM

Year 10 Food Technology students treated themselves to some milk and cookies on campus today, but it wasn’t all about the decadent food, there was a purposeful objective. The Moustache Mobile Cookie and Milk Bar visited the College, giving students the opportunity to experience one of Auckland’s most popular food trucks; a business developed on the premise of keeping the choice simple but ensuring only the best ingredients are used.

Business, entrepreneurship and sustainability are all part of the Food Technology programme at the College and teacher, Mrs Susanna Pattison, said the students have engaged in projects throughout the year, that teach the product development process, barista and customer service, along with a focus on design and practical skills.

‘The opportunity to have Moustache on campus and see first-hand how the business operates, whilst enjoying cookies and milk, was a fun and inspirational way to finish the academic year. Students will be challenged to develop a new and innovative cookie suitable for Moustache in the final academic week of term.’

Food Trucks have developed a cult following both overseas and in New Zealand, and are all about creating new ways to buy and sell amazing food which is eclectic, fresh and affordable.

We now look forward to the opportunity to sample our students’ own creations!