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Girls' School

Pirates and Classical Music Visit the Girls' School

20 June 2014

Pirates and Classical Music Visit the Girls' School

June 20, 2014 at 8:49 AM

In an unlikely team up, it was a pirate and classical music collaboration at the Girls’ School when Captain Festus McBoyle performed along with VIVO, a trio of lively and spirited musicians from the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra.

What resulted was an entertaining, swashbuckling skit interspersed with classical, gypsy and tango music played out on the violin, double bass and accordion piano. The musicians from VIVO held the girls captive with their flawlessly played pieces which included Beethoven’s ‘Romance’ and other classical works ‘Libre Tango’ and ‘The Swan.’

The girls were also treated to some impressive fast bouncing bowstrokes called ‘spicatto’ and double stopping from Miranda Adams on the violin in the gypsy piece ‘Czardas,’ and with Tatiana Lanchtchikova on the accordion, the girls heard an authentic tango that originated from Argentina. 

Pirate entertainer, Festus McBoyle’s semi-vaudeville, English comedic style music was truly tailored to children as he joked and gaffed along with his pirate sidekick, Sir William Crust. Both sets of performers then joined together for a final song of their musical theatrical repertoire before announcing they would both be donating copies of their music CD’s to the Girls’ School library.