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Perfect Latin Score for College Student

09 May 2014

Perfect Latin Score for College Student

May 09, 2014 at 11:52 AM

Congratulations to Year 12 student, Marieke Kruiswijk, who has achieved a perfect score of 40/40 in the National Latin Exam. This exam is taken by more than 149,000 Latin students from all over America, as well as from thirteen countries around the world, including New Zealand. This year in March, Latin students from Saint Kentigern College took the exam with some very pleasing results.

The exam consists of 40 questions about language and literature, mythology, Roman life, history, geography, oral Latin, and Latin in use in the modern world.

Certificates and medals are awarded to those with particularly outstanding results.  Our students sat the exam at the beginning of their respective academic year, whereas the exam is intended to be sat at the end of year, making these results even more impressive.

Congratulations to the following students, and Marieke in particular, for their achievement!

Year 10
Patrick Ye - Gold medal
Joshua Looker - Gold medal
Shuli Arymowicz - Silver medal 

Year 11
Nicholas Allen - Gold medal
Alex Grigor - Silver medal

Year 12
Marieke Kruiswijk - Gold medal and perfect paper 40/40
Jessica Allen - Gold medal
Alex Smith - Gold medal
Katie Procter - Silver medal