The Perfect Christmas Gift
The Perfect Christmas Gift
November 09, 2012 at 2:16 PM
To order 'Our Family Flavours' please download an order form by clicking the link below. Or you can email Danielle Lewis danielle@ourlewisville.com.
We are fortunate at Saint Kentigern to have very dedicated and supportive Parents and Friends Associations at all three of our campuses. When it was suggested that they join forces to produce a Saint Kentigern community cookbook, they jumped on board without hesitation. New friendships were made across the campuses as an enthusiastic group of parents got the planning underway.
We’re quite sure that when they started on this venture that none of them expected such an overwhelming response to their request for recipes! Selecting a finite few from over 700 recipes could have been an arduous task but with customary cheerfulness they began months of meetings to sort each of the offerings into seasons before making their final selections. The precise planning that followed took our family recipes on a journey through a studio kitchen to cook and style, ready for a photographer to capture the image to illustrate this wonderful book. There were undoubtedly more than a few taste tests along the way and now our chance has come to try these recipes for ourselves.
The finished book is superb. The brief was for a book that is fresh, seasonal and warm. It had to be a cookbook that people actually used, not one just left to be admired on the coffee table; one that radiated the warmth of inclusiveness, family and tradition. This was a book produced with purpose and pride, the first cross-campus venture, and we have a hardworking committee to thank for this.
Every Tuesday night for a year Danielle Lewis (representing the Boys’ School and Preschool) chaired a meeting with Desiree Jenkins Allright from the College P&F, Fiona Freeland and Rachael Hooper from the Girls’ School P&F and Anne Burton and Kerryanne Tisdall from the Boys’ School P&F. Their work has been exemplary; well reflected in the published book. They in turn extend their thanks to the team they worked with. Firstly to Nick Tresidder whose photography illustrates the book; Ginny Grant from Cuisine magazine for her food knowledge and innate ability to look at a recipe and determine how well it would work; Natalie Hoelen, the prop stylist who brought the recipes to life ready for photography; and Steven McCleery, Kylie Bevege and Tony Makin from Geon Print who gave the committee the confidence and guidance to know that they would design and print a book the Saint Kentigern community could take pride in.
The book was launched at the end of October at a function held in the graceful surroundings of the Drawing Room at the Girls’ School. Invited guests gathered for drinks and beautifully crafted food but the focus for the evening was definitely the book itself. Head of Primary, Mrs Sandra Hastie offered her admiration on behalf of all the schools for the work undertaken. In giving her thanks on behalf of the committee, Danielle Lewis also thanked the premium sponsors for their generous commitment and support. Their sponsorship will allow the schools to reap the benefit of the sales for the good of their students.
It is a tribute to the family spirit of our Parents and Friends Associations that they have given of their time so generously to ensure that this book truly reflects Saint Kentigern. We thank them wholeheartedly for always supporting the schools but we especially thank them at this time for their work and dedication to produce this beautiful book to share.