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Outstanding Open Day at the College!

05 March 2014

Outstanding Open Day at the College!

March 05, 2014 at 2:20 PM

Choir open day (2).JPGWe are delighted with the success of the Open Day this week at the College. With well over 500 prospective parents and students in attendance, the Chapel was full to capacity with extra seating quickly added to the foyer to cope with the extra demand.

Our visitors were treated to a welcome by the Pipes and Drums before taking a seat in the Chapel for a short presentation by Head of College, Mr Steve Cole. The College Premier Choir, Kentoris entertained with a contemporary Norwegian piece before our senior students guided the guests on a tour of the campus. The campus and our students were at their very best as the visitors were taken to see classes in action followed by morning tea with senior College staff.

We are pleased to note that places at Saint Kentigern are still in high demand!

Our thanks to the Parents and Friends for being on hand to both prepare and serve morning tea.