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Boys' School

Old Boys Return for Reunion BBQ

18 December 2023

Old Boys Return for Reunion BBQ

December 18, 2023 at 3:38 PM

The Boys’ School resonated with echoes of nostalgia as recent graduates and their families gathered for the annual Year 13 reunion. Old boys from the Boys’ School Class of 2018 who went on to attendvarious Colleges around Auckland relished the opportunity to reunite with their buddies and renew connections. 

Our grill masters for this special ‘welcome back’ gathering—Principal Mr Peter Cassie, Deputy Principal Mr Grayson Aspinall, Chaplain Rev. Reuben Hardie, and SKOCA President Mr Thomas Steel—fired up the barbecue, sizzling sausages and burgers served with a variety of toppings. Meanwhile, the boys and their families took the opportunity to explore he the campus: the Roselle Lawn Confidence Course, the Macky Senior School, and the Specialist Facilities — new additions  built and occupied since their school days.

Post-tour, it was time for a hearty dinner followed by some friendly sports action on the top field. Parents mingled, curious about their sons’ future plans for university or work. This Boys’ School tradition holds a special place, providing a perfect prelude to the graduates’ exciting ventures beyond the familiar school grounds.