Old Boys, new buildings, same values and spirit of Saint Kentigern
Old Boys, new buildings, same values and spirit of Saint Kentigern
October 05, 2022 at 3:03 PM
From the gifting of the Shore Road property by Mr Martyn Wilson to Saint Kentigern Trust which paved the way for the realisation of a Presbyterian Boys’ primary school in 1959, to the expanded Saint Kentigern Shore Road campus today with its growing Boys’ School, a new Girls’ School and very soon, a Preschool on site, much has changed in these intervening years.
The first roll of boys in 1959 was just around 200, less than half of the over 600 students currently enrolled at the Boys’ School. In a gathering of old friends and new beginnings, the Form 1 Foundation Class of 1959 met to attend the Boys’ School’s end-of-term Assembly and tour its new learning spaces. For some, it was the first time meeting since the 50th Jubilee celebration in 2009.
The assembly was a particularly special occasion. The foundation pupils were involved in the formalities, including a beautifully played school song and a closing prayer by Reverend Laurence Ennor. ‘Old Boy #20’ Mr Peter Nelson had the privilege of addressing the boys and giving out the Big Tree awards which recognises boys who have consistently shown the Saint Kentigern Way and demonstrated courage and persistence in pursuit of their goals.
In a surprise announcement, Mr Nelson presented the special Saint Kentigern Boys’ School Honours Tie to a fellow 1959 foundation pupil and recipient of the Saint Kentigern inaugural Distinguished Alumni Award Judge Philip Recordon, and Boys’ School Principal Mr Peter Cassie, both of whom have positively impacted and served the schools’ community.
After the assembly, the foundation pupils joined a tour of the new Macky Senior School and Specialist Facilities, led by Mr Cassie, Head Boy Toby Wigglesworth and Chapel Prefect Matthew Sawden. As they walked through the science, food technology, design studios and music rooms, they were in awe of the advancements made since they walked the same grounds 63 years ago. The tour ended at the familiar Roselle House, which continues to be a nucleus of the school’s operations, before proceeding to a sumptuous lunch at the Jubilee Sports Centre lounge where they were joined by Executive Trustee Mr Kevin Morris.
It was especially nostalgic for some as they reminisce their early Saint Kentigern school days while looking through their first class photo which was placed on their table at lunch. As the meal went on, the old boys relaxed back into each other’s company and chatted away. As they regaled stories of times past, one thing was clear, they may not all remember their grades for projects or what place they came in cross-country, but the friendships made have been cemented for a lifetime.
Equally clear was that while much has changed physically, the same values and spirit of Saint Kentigern, continues to be deeply entrenched in the new generation of boys.
Thank you to the foundation boys who joined us for the gathering. What an honour and privilege to enjoy your company and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.