Offering Service at Adaptive Cricket
Offering Service at Adaptive Cricket
February 25, 2016 at 2:57 PM
Each year a group of Year 8 cricket boys go down to Bloodworth Park on Shore Road to help out with the annual Halberg Disability Sport Foundation’s Adaptive Cricket Day. This day is held in conjunction with Parnell Cricket Club and involves assisting students with disabilities to learn the fundamentals of cricket. Parnell Cricket Club plays a big part in helping the boys to prepare for the event.
This is now the sixth consecutive year that our boys have been involved with Halberg events as part of their programme to offer service. The help they offer at the cricket session prepares them for the annual Halberg Disability Sport Foundation event held at the Boys' School later in the year.
This morning, our boys were allocated stations where they had key roles in assisting with the coaching. Drills were set up to cover catching, fielding, batting and bowling, where the visiting students learnt skills and finished off with games of cricket.
To begin with, many of the Saint Kentigern boys were shy but as the morning progressed, relationships were formed and all coaches and cricketers alike had great fun interacting and gaining new skills. For our boys, this was a chance to learn about being compassionate and giving service to their local community, which is at the heart of the Saint Kentigern philosophy. We were proud to see their level of maturity, empathy and overall willingness to assist on the day.