O Night Divine!
O Night Divine!
December 19, 2023 at 9:29 AM
2023 marked the first-ever Years 0 to 2 nativity play. With the growth of the school, we decided to give the Juniors their own Christmas celebration, with attendance at the Carol Service beginning from Year 3 onwards. Dean of the Junior School, Geoff Brown wrote the script in conjunction with Sabine Bartlett, Boys’ School Drama specialist and gave a large number of boys the opportunity to deliver lines to the audience. Many of the older students were given the opportunity to watch the production during dress rehearsals, before parents and other family were invited in the afternoon.
The nativity was an overload of cuteness, with the boys impeccably dressed as barn animals, angels, sheep, shepherds, or as the people we know by name in the story told in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Starting with the shepherds seeing the star over the manger, the boys retold the birth of Jesus through reading and music. Cleverly weaving well-known carols throughout the story helped bring context to the songs many of us sing each year without realising the significance of the lyrics.
Head of Music Mrs Georgina Jarvis brought the Christmas story to life with her musical arrangement for the Juniors. Thank you to all the parents who came along to mark this significant time of year with us.