New Girls’ School Principal Commissioned
New Girls’ School Principal Commissioned
February 17, 2016 at 1:39 PM
This morning’s chapel service was a special event in the history of the Girls’ School, with the commissioning of its second Principal, Ms Juliet Small. The commissioning of a new school leader is a formal tradition at Saint Kentigern, and the process that was followed during the founding of the College remains to this day. Joining the students and staff at Somervell Church were Trust Board members; Head of College, Mr Steve Cole; Boys’ School Principal, Mr Peter Cassie; Director of Preschool, Mrs Sue Nash; parents and other invited guests. Ms Small was also supported by her partner, Mr Colin Tunnicliffe and members of her family and friends.
The official party was piped into the chapel by former Girls’ School and now College student, Fayth Doherty before the congregation was welcomed by Deputy Principal, Mrs Judith Dobson and Reverend Reuben Hardie. In making the commission, Chairman of the Trust Board, Dr Bruce Goodfellow read the same words that were used when Reverend Adam MacFarlan, the first Head of Saint Kentigern College, was commissioned in 1953.
‘Ms Small, on behalf of the Saint Kentigern Trust Board, I now commit to your charge and care this School, the scholars who may from time to time be enrolled and all the staff who serve here, assuring you of the Board’s confidence in you, and support of you, to implement the objects of the Trust. May God richly bless you in this task.’
In response, Ms Small said, ‘I am delighted to take up the role of Principal of the Girls’ School and in this role it is my intention to develop programmes of learning and opportunities that will ensure that our girls are prepared for life. I thank Saint Kentigern Trust Board for the faith they have put in me to lead the school. I would like to extend to staff my thanks for the warm welcome they have extended to me. You are a wonderful team of talented teachers who work so hard to provide the best learning opportunities for our students.
To the students of the Saint Kentigern Girls’ School, I am proud to be your principal. I am here to support you in all you do; be it in the classroom, on the sporting field or in artistic endeavours. Take the opportunities that you are offered in our school and beyond, treat others as you would wish to be treated, to be the very best that you can be.’
Head Girl, J’adore Harris-Tavita began her speech with a quote from Martin Luther King Jnr, ‘Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase. Today’s commissioning is Ms Small’s first step as our Principal – a step which symbolizes her faith in our School, students, staff members and herself. Ms Small, we warmly welcome you to our School. We are all excited by the journey we are on together and look forward to getting to know you. We have faith in you.’
Following a performance by the choir of the School Blessing, Ms Small was presented with gifts by some of the Year 2 girls – her commissioning certificate, a School diary, a framed copy of the Saint Kentigern prayer and flowers. After the conclusion of the ceremony, the guests gathered in the Drawing Room for morning tea.
In the appointment of Ms Small, the Trust Board is confident she will continue to further strengthen and grow the culture and status of the Girls’ School as a leading Independent, Presbyterian primary school offering a premium education for girls in Years 1-8.