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Boys' School

Nevermoor Author Visits Boys’ School

27 October 2017

Nevermoor Author Visits Boys’ School

October 27, 2017 at 4:26 PM

If you want to be a writer all you need is a pen and paper, and your own imagination.’ 

The literary world is abuzz at the moment with a new name on everyone’s lips. Recently published author, Jessica Townsend is already being compared to J.K. Rowling with her debut novel, Nevermoor,’ about a cursed child named Morrigan who was born on Eventide, the unluckiest day of the year.  Townsend has created a breathtakingly vivid and compelling new world that explodes off the page and is guaranteed to capture young readers’ imaginations. Interest in her book has been so great that the rights have been sold to 28 territories around the world and filming rights have already been snapped up by 21st Century Fox for a Hollywood production.  An incredible feat for ‘an unknown children’s author’ in her early 30’s! The Boys’ School was fortunate to be one of few schools to secure a visit from the author. 

Years 4-6 students were privileged to welcome Miss Townsend yesterday. With the ‘Nevermoor’ book tucked tightly under their arms, they entered the hall excitedly. Miss Townsend spoke to the students about her childhood, why she wanted to be an author, how she got to where she is now and the process of writing ‘Nevermoor’. She told the students it took her 10 years to write it with a lot of inspiration coming from real world locations and situations. Miss Townsend read a passage from Nevermoor to the boys before she personally signed their books. 

Miss Townsend then led a workshop with a handful of selected Year 7 and 8 students about the basics of ‘world-building,’ using the well-known Harry Potter books as examples. World building is essentially creating a ‘fantastical’ place from all the things you love and making decisions about everything in that world. Miss Townsend took the seniors through the step by step process to create a ‘world’, which included the people and creatures, everyday details such as where do they live, how do they earn a living and what do they eat? The boys were tasked with using their imaginations to recreate their own bedrooms – where do they sleep, how big is their room, the view from the windows, what’s on the walls and what furniture do they have. The students’ creations were impressive and well thought out. The workshop was a fantastic experience for these students to learn firsthand from an author and gain inspiration for their own writing.