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Mufti Day $7,700.00 raised!

23 May 2013

Mufti Day $7,700.00 raised!

May 23, 2013 at 2:46 PM

DSC02689.JPGIt was a fantastic effort from our College students who successfully fundraised $7,700.00 to be donated to Diabetes Auckland on their recent Mufti Day, as part of their service to the community.

In exchange for a donation, the students were invited to wear mufti to school for the day. The theme ‘What I want to be when I grow up’ saw many students go all out and put a lot of thought and detail into their outfits – even if the comfort factor was a little lacking for practical daywear!  We certainly had many interesting and colourful costumes turn out on the day!

A local branch of Diabetes New Zealand, Diabetes Auckland has been improving the lives of people with diabetes and working towards a future without diabetes for over 50 years.

Over 208,000 New Zealanders have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is diagnosed when a person has too much glucose (sugar) in the blood. This happens because the pancreas cannot make enough insulin. Insulin is a natural hormone which helps glucose enter the body's cells, where it is used for energy. Every day 50 more people are diagnosed with diabetes and it has now reached epidemic proportions both internationally and within New Zealand. It will overwhelm healthcare resources everywhere and will jeopardise the health and lives of over half a million New Zealanders within the next decade.

Diabetes New Zealand is the only national charity in New Zealand representing and supporting people affected by diabetes, so we are proud to donate to such a worthy cause.