The Mudford Bears
The Mudford Bears
September 13, 2021 at 3:42 PM
The Mudford family are well-known at the College. Mrs Susan Mudford has been on the staff for 20 years, firstly as a Christian Education teacher and more recently adding Manager of Teacher Relief to her role. Their three children Timothy (2014), Elizabeth (2016) and Jamiee (2018) all attended the College, and Mr Stuart Mudford has given support, over the years, to our sporting teams, Duke of Edinburgh and Field Centre – this year will be his 20th Field Centre in a row.
From the beginning of our first Lockdown last year, when teddy bears in windows became a familiar sight, their family home in Howick also became well-known, as Susan dug out firstly Big Ted and then the rest of the children’s former soft toys to create quirky displays on the front lawn. With each subsequent Lockdown, the Bears have returned, and many people in Howick, especially those with children, make a point of passing by on their Lockdown walks to see the latest display – remarkably, these change daily and the Mudford Bears are fast approaching their 100th day of Lockdown displays! From skiing, snowboarding, kayaking and scuba diving, to cycling, camping, fixing the car, having a spa and working on the house, the Bears have done it all!
Word got around and came to the attention of a NZ Herald reporter as part of their ‘Lockdown Heroes’ reporting, and now the Mudford Bears are also known nationwide!
As an extension of Saint Kentigern’s value of Service, the Bears also bring cheer in another way. Once Auckland reaches Level 3, the Bears put a trailer out with a sign asking for food donations for those less fortunate. During the August Lockdown last year, this netted a ‘few thousand’ items, at a time when Food Bank shelves were virtually empty. Here’s hoping we move to Level 3 soon!
Thank you to the Mudfords, and Susan in particular, for bringing a smile at times like these!
Click here to read the NZ Herald Article: