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Middle College Celebration Lunch

15 November 2019

Middle College Celebration Lunch

November 15, 2019 at 8:47 AM

Our Year 10 students gathered in the gym yesterday to mark their final year in the Middle College with a shared lunch. Whether they have been at Saint Kentigern for two of four years, the lunch celebrated their time in Middle College years and was a chance to reflect, and also mentally prepare themselves for their adventures ahead – Field Centre and Senior College.

With the Chapel being renovated, this years’ service took place in the gym. The students entered the gym, accompanied by the Middle College Pipes and Drums. Reverend David Smith spoke about change, courage and the Year 10 ‘rite of passage’ – Field Centre. The Reverend encouraged the students to ‘pack’ a positive attitude and to try their best. He also encouraged them to enjoy the adventure and to learn from one another and their environment. He said it is often when we are on unfamiliar paths that we discover things about ourselves – ‘Enjoy being an adventurer and walking the new paths.’

Following their lunch, the students reflected on the year and watched House videos that had been put together by students. We welcomed Old Collegian, Jeremy Kyle as a guest speaker. Jeremy spoke about his achievements since leaving Saint Kentigern and how it is important to ‘chase your dreams’. Jeremy is an artist and has created art for the likes of Under Armour, The Chicago Bulls, The New York Times and the United Nations. He encouraged the students to have faith in their journey, God and to be kind to everyone along the way after kindly donating an NBA painting to the school.

Middle College Principal, Mr Duncan McQueen concluded and wished the students the best of luck He finished by reminding the students to be themselves and to continue to live by the Saint Kentigern Way.

The lunch was a most enjoyable occasion! We wish the students well as they head away to Field Centre!