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Meet our Scarecrow, Rainbow

23 September 2022

Meet our Scarecrow, Rainbow

September 23, 2022 at 4:00 PM

Over winter, children in our Kowhai Room decided to plant winter vegetables. After much deliberation, it was agreed that carrots, peas and broccoli were the best options for the season.

We were encouraged by our children’s involvement in caring for these plants and in sharing ideas on what they could do. Together, we read several books which coincidentally all featured scarecrows, including the popular “Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow”.

The idea of scarecrows piqued a lot of interest, and our investigations began to extend in this direction. We provided many avenues for our children to explore further; story books, puzzles and opportunities for our children to discover different ways to be creative. Using a variety of materials, they immersed themselves in drawing scarecrows, making miniature ones, sketching a big one together and finally making a scarecrow together.  The children did well stuffing, cutting, sticking, and putting the materials together. They were excited to finally have the finished scarecrow seating amongst them, and later in the planter box by the winter vegetables they had grown.

The children then took a vote and named him Rainbow.