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Medals Building at AIMS Games!

07 September 2016

Medals Building at AIMS Games!

September 07, 2016 at 2:11 PM

Our Year 7 and 8 students attending the AIMS (Association of Intermediate and Middle Schools) Games in Tauranga are only half way through their week of competition and already the medals are mounting with gold and silver medals in yachting, and gold, silver and bronze in swimming! Other individuals and teams are on track to quarter, semi and finals games. Great effort! 

The AIMS (Games is considered the national championships for Year 7 and 8 students in the sports offered. This year’s was the largest tournament since the event was started in 2004, with more than 8000 athletes representing over 260 schools taking part. 

Our three schools have entered teams in basketball, football, netball, waterpolo and hip hop, as well as entering students in individual codes such as swimming, tennis, yachting, golf, gymnastics, cross country, multisport and BMX. In some instances players from the Schools have joined with those from the College to form the strongest combined squads. 

The event provides a great introduction to tournament play for the Year 7 and 8 student athletes. In the majority of the sports contested at the AIMS Games, the competitors have to adapt to playing a number of games over the course of a week, some more than one per day. They also have to adjust to living away from home and in the close confines of their teammates. It prepares them well for Tournament Week later in their time at the College and gives a brief insight into life as professional sportspeople. 

Well done to all the competitors, especially the medal winners!

Click here to see day 1 results.

Click here to see day 2 results.

Click here to see day 3 results.

Click here to see more photos.



Medals Building at AIMS Games!

September 07, 2016 at 2:11 PM