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Major USA Scholarship For IB Student

16 May 2013

Major USA Scholarship For IB Student

May 16, 2013 at 10:47 AM

We are delighted to hear that Nicole Tan, a student who graduated at the end of 2012, has just been offered at a full scholarship worth US$56,000 a year to Colorado College in the USA. Nicole is over the moon and had let us know that she plans to study a Liberal Arts degree majoring in International Relations.

Nicole came to the College as an international student who studied the International Baccalaureate Diploma in her final two years. She was one of the four students who scored over 40 points for her Diploma out of a possible 45 points. Students with results over 40 points are honoured at the IB Schools of New Zealand Top Scholars’ Awards Ceremony at Government House, Auckland, receiving their award from the Governor General Lt Gen The Right Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae. The other three 2012 awardees, Jiachen (Joe) Lu, Lorentz Bartsch and Samuel Gilmour were also rewarded with top university places in New Zealand and overseas.

Each year, a number of our graduates are fortunate to be offered significant scholarships to universities in New Zealand. These were reported in an earlier article.

Other students go on to pursue places at universities overseas to undertake their tertiary studies. Those applying to the United States, especially those with a sporting component, often attract notable scholarships to assist with their travel, studies and accommodation. The following are the graduates who have contacted us so far with their plans for study at overseas universities this year. We wish them well with their studies and look forward to hearing their progress.

Lorenz Bartsch has been accepted to Charite University, Germany to study medicine.

James Gardner has a full scholarship to NYU Abu Dhabi, to study engineering.

Ryan Henderson will be attending Eastern Illinois University on a sports and academic scholarship to study Business.

Melanie Lindemann will attend North Eastern University, Boston to study communications.

Joe Liu has been accepted to Adelaide University, Australia to study medicine.

Max Lowndes will be attending Brown University, Providence RI, to study engineering on a 50% scholarship.

Jolene Muir had been accepted to Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee, to take up a soccer (60%) and academic (35%) She is planning to undertake a degree in Media Studies.

Paul Park has been accepted in Medical Sciences at the University of Sydney.

Jacob Swiatek has been accepted to North Western University in Chicago to do Political Studies.

Lucas Sachs will be studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Television Production at New York University's Tisch School of The Arts, in New York City.

Nicole Tan has been accepted on a full scholarship to Colorado College in the USA to study a Liberal Arts degree majoring in International Relations.