Life Education visits College Middle School
Life Education visits College Middle School
October 31, 2013 at 2:51 PM
The Life Education mobile classroom rolled into the College last week on a mission to teach the Year 7 and 8 boys and girls how to manage some of the influences and pressures that young people may face.
As part of the Health Curriculum, the mobile classroom lessons were also to complement the content that the students had been covering during the year.
Each Year 7 and 8 classroom was involved in four 45 minute lessons which focused on improving decision making skills, making informed choices and maintaining a balanced lifestyle during this age of development. The key message to the young students was that our bodies and brains are amazing and need to be cared for and respected.
Identifying stressors in life and establishing strategies for these was also covered along with the negative impact of substance abuse – smoking, alcohol and drugs - on individuals, friends and families. This reinforced the idea that the choices we make today have consequences, both positive and negative now and in the future.
Inside the mobile classroom, Educator Celia Thompson led discussions with the boys and girls separately; something which she really enjoyed. She said the atmosphere of acceptance at Saint Kentigern helped the students to feel safe in sharing what they thought, even if it was different to the overall view of the class.
Ms Thompson said the impression that she was left with was an understanding of students of their responsibility to do the best they can, that they have a purpose in life to find their place in the world. She said the relationship between staff and students is one of respect, honesty and high expectation.
The feedback from the students was equally as positive on their programme sessions. The Middle School students said they found their learning experiences informative, interactive and enjoyable plus they involved everyone.
‘Overall it was really helpful and enjoyable having the Life Education classroom come to visit because it was great revision of some of our topics before exams.’ Alice Smith, Year 7.
‘A favourite part of Life Education was seeing 'PAT' (Pull Apart Torso) and learning about the organs in the body. I also enjoyed watching the videos and learning about how decisions can change your life even if you don't realise it at the time.’ Karl Jorgensen, Year 7.