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Girls' School

Let Your Light Shine!

15 December 2023

Let Your Light Shine!

December 15, 2023 at 10:51 AM

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16. 

The end-of-year Carol Service held in the grand Holy Trinity Cathedral is a beautiful evening where our whole school community comes together on the cusp of Christmas. As you walk in, the breathtaking stained glass and sheer height of the cathedral demand your attention upwards toward the light that streams in. Aptly, the theme for this year was ‘Let Your Light Shine’, and in a world where there seems to be much darkness, we can be encouraged that light shines all the brighter.

To begin the service, our Kapa Haka group performed as the official party made their way to the front. Chaplain Reverend Reuben Hardie and Reverend Ivica Gregurec welcomed the attendees to the service, followed by Girls’ School Principal Ms Juliet Small who added her greetings.

Throughout the evening, carols sung by the full congregation were intermingled with student performances. During the sharing of the Christmas story, Junior School students provided visual aids and re-enacted the miraculous story of Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem. The Year 2 students delivered an equally adorable and hilarious performance of a Kiwi Christmas story, featuring a very determined kiwi who so badly wanted to be a part of a nativity play.

As entertaining as each of the items were, there would be no Carols Service without the birth of humanity’s saviour, Jesus Christ. The evening is ultimately about Him, and though it is a privilege to celebrate our Year 8s and enjoy music together, let us not forget the reason for the season. For Him who came, died, rose again, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, may His light shine through us this Christmas.

This Carol Service was of extra importance to one individual and one group in particular – Principal Ms Juliet Small and our departing Year 8 class, both of whom are finishing their time at the Girls’ School. As the girls processed out of the cathedral holding their burning leavers’ candles with care, it was clear there was a deep love for the school and its community. Tight embraces, family photos taken, and teachers thanked were proof of this. We wish everyone a very merry Christmas bursting with light.