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Let it snow!

22 July 2015

Let it snow!

July 22, 2015 at 3:47 PM

The Preschool snow day was a double scoop of ice delight for the students who were snugged up in the warmest clothing for the special occasion.

While the weather has been unwelcomely chilly recently, the six tonnes of snow delivered in two truckloads was greeted with much enthusiasm by the children and teachers alike!

Wearing wellingtons, jackets, gloves and beanies, everyone was super keen to get amongst the snowflakes, which had transformed the sandpit area into a snowy knoll.

After the fun of making snow angels and snow balls, some special guests arrived. No snow party is complete without a visit from Elsa, the star of hit Disney movie Frozen, and her snowman, Olaf. The life-size characters played in their natural snowy habitat with the children, making it one of the best Preschool days of the year!  

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