The Kents 2015
The Kents 2015
August 12, 2015 at 10:31 AM
‘A night at the movies’ took on its own unique Saint Kentigern flavour last night at The Kents 2015; the annual awards evening to showcase the filmmaking talents of our Year 13 Media Studies students. This year, the top seven films were shown, drawn from the best work of our NCEA and IB students, along with those that entered the 48 Hour Film Festival earlier in the year.
The students were being assessed on their ability to write, plan, shoot and edit short films of no more than ten minutes in length with students selecting their own chosen genre. They needed to combine creative ideas with practical application, artistic flair with audience engagement, as well possess the technical and organisational skills to run their own production from concept to broadcast. Most of this year’s films had a dark, gritty element with an undercurrent of tension that the students had mastered to the greatest effect. It was noted that, technically, this year’s films were of the highest calibre in the history of The Kents.
On the judging panel, we were pleased to once again welcome back Old Collegians and previous Media Studies students, Jason Hoon, Calvin Sang, Cameron McColl and Ben Elias. Each of these former students have all had their own personal involvement with The Kents during their time at the College and are all now currently studying or working within the media industry.
The ‘Judges Choice’ awards went to Becky Lane and Rachel Lane for their film ‘Impaired’ which visited the idea that ‘zombies were once people too’ and what if there was a cure that allowed the ‘part dead’ to return to the world of the living? Rachel also won the ‘Best Script’ award for her writing. Judge, Ben Elias said, 'Impaired' showed storytelling techniques found at the highest level of high school media.
The ‘zombie film genre’ is often riddled with cliche but the team pulled off an innovative take on the genre with skill not often seen at this level. This was an outstanding production and an amazing testament to the calibre of Media Studies at Saint Kentigern.’
As always there was a great turnout for the evening with the largely student audience taking the opportunity to vote for a ‘People’s Choice’ award.This proved a double success for the Lane sisters who, along with Amy Laing, Jack Lockhart, Nick Taylor and Hanna Thompson produced ‘Killegiate’ as their entry to the 48 Hour Film Festival earlier in the year. Again, a very dark production, it focused on school students who go to extreme measures to protect their own perception of school standards! Becky and Jack also picked up the titles for Best Supporting Actress/Actor for their roles in the film.
In concluding, Head of Media Studies, Mr Ian Thomas said that there is a point during the course of Year 13 that his Media Studies students move from being ‘students’ to becoming ‘film makers.’ We were privileged to witness this last night. We sincerely thank the judges for giving their time to both pre-judging and spending time with the students on the night, and to MCs Steel Strang and Emma Hanley for hosting with style!
Script: Rachel Lane for ‘Impaired’
Cinematography: ‘Killegiate’ (Amy Laing, Becky Lane, Jack Lockhart and Hanna Thompson)
Sound: ‘Forgive Me’ (Jackson Calder, Tom Henderson and Steel Strang)
Editing: ‘Forgive Me’ (Jackson Calder, Tom Henderson and Steel Strang)
Music: ‘Road Trip: Shadow of Death’ (Jack Lockhart and Ben Hawkes)
Best Actress: Jana Robinson for ‘Unspoken’
Best Actor: Thomas Henderson for ‘Forgive Me’
Best Supporting Actress: Becky Lane for ‘Killegiate’
Best Supporting Actor: Jack Lockhart ‘Killegiate’
JUDGES’ CHOICE: Impaired (Becky Lane, Rachel Lane)
PEOPLE’S CHOICE: Killegiate’ (Amy Laing, Becky Lane, Rachel Lane, Jack Lockhart, Nick Taylor and Hanna Thompson)