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Jazz Café

18 August 2014

Jazz Café

August 18, 2014 at 10:29 AM

Whether it was the thought of an evening of great jazz, or the lure of the free flowing chocolate fountain and fresh fruit kebabs, either way, the tables quickly filled for this year’s Jazz Café! The evening took on a casual air with the audience encouraged to chat and get up and move around. Meanwhile, our student baristas were doing a great trade from the coffee cart and kept the espresso and hot chocolate flowing.

Fresh from the KBB Music Festival, the Saint Kentigern Stage Band and Jazz Combo were relaxed and gave polished performances, taking the two opening spots with Jack Muirhead coming in strong for a vocal number. Between them they played nine pieces finishing with the sultry ‘Summertime’ by Gershwin. No surprises for guessing where the students headed when their set was over – there were chocolate smiles from ear to ear with many a return to the fountain!

Staff from the Music Department followed on from the students with a combo of Mr Ross Gerritsen on brass, Mr Lachlan Craig on piano/vocals and Mr Gilmour on flute showing they can walk the talk. Mr Holmes then sang four numbers, self-accompanied on guitar.

DSC_8445.JPG‘Superhero Second Line Band’ were a mystery item on the programme but proved to be a fantastic surprise! In true New Orleans Dixie-style jazz, they marched into the Music Centre and blew the cobwebs off the rafters. Dressed as ‘superheros’ such as Superman, Spiderman and Catwoman, their enthusiasm – and lack of decorum – was infectious and, following on from Lorde’s Royals and the ever popular Ghostbusters, they totally drew in our audience with their spine-tingling version of ‘When the Saints come marching in!’

Drawcard for the evening was renowned saxophonist, Roger Manins who was a true source of inspiration for our own young jazz players. He was both gracious and a consummate performer and we thank him for sharing his talents with our community.

All in all, this was a most enjoyable and professionally presented evening of jazz and blues...not forgetting the chocolate and coffee!