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Inaugural Induction Ceremony of Te Pou o te Rīpeka on Shore Road

04 October 2023

Inaugural Induction Ceremony of Te Pou o te Rīpeka on Shore Road

October 04, 2023 at 4:22 PM

Te Pou o te Ripeka Shore Road Inaugural Ceremony 2023_Order of Service.pdf

On the morning of 17 September, we celebrated the inaugural induction of four remarkable individuals into the Te Pou o te Rīpeka, the Saint Kentigern Place of Honour on our Shore Road Campus. Te Pou o te Rīpeka is a special place that acknowledges and honours exceptional individuals who embody the values that Saint Kentigern holds dear - respect, integrity, service, excellence and love.

Located to the south of our Specialist Facilities on the Shore Road campus, this serene contemplative space is accessible to all in the community and has been specially designed to include Saint Kentigern’s unique symbolism. At the heart stands a magnificent marble Celtic cross, Te Pou o te Rīpeka, that serves as a reminder of our Presbyterian heritage. The walls on each side of the cross hold beautifully crafted plaques with the names of our honourees etched on them, representing their unique story of service, passion, and dedication to our community.

At the ceremony, Neil Lloyd (Polly) Macky, Dr William Bruce Goodfellow, Rosemary Harris, and #20 Peter Nelson's plaques were unveiled in the presence of distinguished guests, staff, family, students, and friends, as tribute to their service, passion, and dedication to our schools and community. Guests enjoyed performances from the Boys’ and Girls’ School Kapa Haka groups, and joined together to sing The Blessing.

Each honouree has made significant contributions to Saint Kentigern Boys’ School, Girls’ School, and Preschool, working tirelessly over the years to shape and make our schools a place where excellence thrives. They exemplify the essence of Saint Kentigern, serving as guiding beacons for all who follow in their footsteps.

Neil Lloyd (Polly) Macky

Polly Macky's visionary leadership laid the foundation for an exceptional educational institution that continues to empower and inspire generations of students and educators today. Polly was resolute in his mission to build a Presbyterian boys’ school in Auckland and pursued his dream with unwavering determination. He secured the donation of Roselle House from John Martyn Wilson, providing the initial property for what would be the site for Saint Kentigern Preparatory School, now known as the Saint Kentigern Shore Road Campus, where our Boys' School, Girls' School, and Preschool reside. Polly's foresight extended to the selection and acquisition of land for the College which opened in 1953. His dedication to sourcing funding, constructing school buildings, and nurturing a conducive learning environment in the formative years has left an enduring impact on Saint Kentigern.

Dr William Bruce Goodfellow

Bruce Goodfellow's lifelong commitment to Saint Kentigern, from student to board member, was marked by vision and dedication. He played a pivotal role in relocating the Girls' School and Preschool to the Shore Road campus, uniting all three schools on one encompassing world-class learning facility. As Chairman of the Trust Board for 17 years, Bruce oversaw significant growth, transforming Saint Kentigern into one of Australasia's most prominent independent school groups. His advocacy for inclusivity paved the way for girls to be educated at the College.

Rosemary Harris

Rosemary's impact on Saint Kentigern extended far beyond her role as Deputy Trust Board Chair and one of the longest-serving Trust Board members. She has been vital in helping shape the school's strategy and governance, facilitating the development of exceptional educational facilities, especially the Shore Road campus. Rosemary’s involvement with Roselle Foundation highlighted her commitment to philanthropy within the community. Together with the Trust Board, she successfully attracted and managed ongoing funding streams for the school. Rosemary's invaluable contribution across various areas, from strategic planning, community engagement and fundraising, has left a lasting legacy that will benefit future students.

Peter Nelson

Fondly known as student #20, Peter Nelson is a remarable alumnus who remains a constant presence at key events and activities six decades after graduating from Saint Kentigern. Peter’s dedication to Saint Kentigern lies in bridging the gap between past and present students. He actively engages with the Old Boys' community, fostering connections and reuniting alumni. His foresight paved the way for the establishment of the Roselle Foundation, providing donors a platform to support the school's development. Peter's involvement extended to sports teams, conferences, and alumni events. His approachable nature and commitment to fostering a sense of belonging have made him a beloved figure within the Saint Kentigern community, exemplifying the power of passionate individuals to make a lasting difference.

Te Pou o te Rīpeka is a place where our community gather to remember, reflect and celebrate our honourees whose remarkable contributions form an integral part of our rich history. It is a place where we take inspiration from their steadfast commitment to continuously build on Saint Kentigern’s mission to provide an education that inspires students to strive for excellence in all areas of life for the glory of God and service of others.