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An Important Message from The Saint Kentigern Trust Board

05 April 2017

An Important Message from The Saint Kentigern Trust Board

April 05, 2017 at 7:23 PM

Dear Saint Kentigern Community 

Many of you will recall the serious accident that took place last year on the opening night of the College musical, Sweeney Todd, during which two students were very seriously injured. This was a difficult and most distressing time for the boys and their families, and the staff and other students involved in the production. 

Following an enquiry into this accident by WorkSafe New Zealand, the Trust Board has entered into an enforceable undertaking. For your information, I have copied below a brief statement that we have issued to the media: 


WorkSafe Enforceable Undertaking
Saint Kentigern Trust Board has entered into an enforceable undertaking agreement with WorkSafe New Zealand.  This agreement has been reached following WorkSafe’s investigation into an accident in which very serious injuries were sustained by two students at the College production last year. 

Dr John Kernohan, Deputy Chairperson of the Trust Board, said that the Trust Board sincerely apologises for the fact that the accident happened and for the harm caused to all those families involved.  Saint Kentigern accepts that it should have done more to acknowledge the seriousness of what happened immediately after the accident.  The injuries were not minor. The injuries were significant and life threatening.

Individual members of the Trust Board personally feel deep regret and take full responsibility for the emotional and physical harm that has been suffered by those students involved.  Ensuring that all students can learn in a safe environment remains Saint Kentigern's first priority.

As part of the enforceable undertaking agreement, Saint Kentigern is entering into a restorative justice process with the families, and will not comment further until this process is completed


At the appropriate time, I will update you further on what this process will involve, as we advance with it.


I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge again the seriousness of this accident for those close to it, and to thank all of you who have shown your continued support to the families and our community.


Fides Servanda Est


John Kernohan
Trust Board Deputy Chairman