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Boys' School

House Swimming Relays

06 March 2017

House Swimming Relays

March 06, 2017 at 2:36 AM

It was a great way to end the week with the top swimmers from the Girls’ and Boys’ Schools battling it out for the House Relay title. Students from each school came together on the banks around the Boys’ School swimming pool for a fun filled Friday morning of House Relay rivalry. 

Coloured wigs and costumes created a sea of colour as the House chants rang out in in full force!

Competition in the pool was extremely close, almost calling for photo finishes; the effort made by every student was amazing! Extra House points were also given out, not only to relay winners but to students who showed true sportsmanship. Before the House winners were announced, staff from both schools gathered their teams together for the annual fun race against the fastest student swimmers. The Boys’ School staff team won the race but the students were hot on their heels!

Each year, Reverend Reuben Hardie brings the House prefects together to compete in a dance competition featuring parents, teachers and students. This year, Reverend Hardie put aside ‘YMCA’ in favour of the current favourite, Silento’s ‘Watch me whip, watch me Nae Nae’ which blasted through the speakers. The dedicated parents of Chalmers stepped up to the mark to help earn those extra points to win the dance competition!

With all the points tallied, Chalmers won the House cup for the Girls’ School and Wishart for the Boys’ School.

Well done to all the participants who swam on the day, dancers and their supporters and big congratulations to the winning Houses!





























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