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Girls' School

Healing Hearts Quilts

04 April 2019

Healing Hearts Quilts

April 04, 2019 at 4:05 PM

Over the years, students at the Girls’ School have worked together in groups to produce some beautiful quilts that are hung in Chapel for special occasions. In the past, guided by Art Specialist, Mrs Diana Roband, the girls have produced a number of ‘seasonal’ panels that were sewn into quilts by her sister, Linda McAdams, who is an experienced quilter. 

Following the recent tragedy in Christchurch, a quilting group set up the ‘Healing Hearts Quilt Drive’ and our girls were encouraged to become involved in the project. They joined quilters across the country who are working to set specifications to create 100 quilts for those in the Muslim community directly affected by the terror attack, followed by further quilts for the first responders, and those who have supported and cared for the community in the days since.

Our girls in Years 7 and 8 were pleased to have the opportunity to contribute in the hope to bring some comfort to those who are suffering.

Combining Visual Arts and Technology, the girls designed and created green and blue heart panels, with each block an individual design. The specifications included the colour green as this is significant to the Muslim faith. It was heart-warming to see amount of thought the girls put into making their individual pieces and the messages behind them, such as love, unity and strength. With the artwork complete, we were thankful once again to Ms Adams for stitching up the quilts. The result was a beautiful piece of work.

The quilts were blessed at a Chapel Service by Reverend Reuben Hardie before joining with other quilts to be flown to Christchurch by the New Zealand Air Force. These are sad times for New Zealand as we reflect on the events of 15 March. Working on the quilts opened opportunities for our girls to discuss ways they can offer help, love and compassion to others.