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Harford siblings trump at Swimming Sports

18 February 2014

Harford siblings trump at Swimming Sports

February 18, 2014 at 3:53 PM

The College are pleased to announce we have a ‘family trifecta’ of swimming champions on campus! Siblings Josh Harford, (Year 8) and twins Beth and Tom Harford, (Year 7) have all swum their way to victory in their year groups at the recent College Swimming Sports competition.

The three Cargill House champions each took out the titles for their years on finals day last week. In a clean sweep, Josh won 1st place in the Year 8 Boys, Beth secured 1st in the Year 7 Girls and Tom gained 1st place in the Year 7 Boys.

All three students were presented with their certificates by Mr Duncan McQueen, Head of Middle School at assembly this week. Their parents, Mr Graham and Mrs Kristina Harford made the special trip to attend the assembly to watch their children’s achievements being recognised on stage.

Mr McQueen said that in his 14 year history at the College, this was a first for three members of the same family to all win their respective year groups.

The students have all been swimming competitively since age 9 and train approximately 5 times a week at Pukekohe Swim School. Josh has made the selection for the nationals three times, Tom has been selected twice and Beth has the nationals in her horizons.

Congratulations to Josh, Beth and Tom!