Hands On At Science Roadshow
Hands On At Science Roadshow
August 09, 2021 at 9:34 AM
With thanks to Girls’ School Science teacher, Mrs Jess Francis
The first day of the new school term started with a ‘bang’ when the travelling Science Roadshow came to Saint Kentigern. Hosted by the Boys’ School, the boys and girls from both our primary schools had an opportunity for a full-on, hands-on experience with plenty of activities to get them engaged.
The Girls’ School were first to take advantage of the exhibits, also meeting politician, David Seymour who encouraged them to take up opportunities to explore and study science and to strive to do well - otherwise they may end up being a politician instead! He reflected on how well scientific knowledge has helped the world and how, currently, it was encouraging to see the work of many nations and companies across the world work together to develop vaccines for Covid-19. He emphasised the opportunities provided by the Roadshow to provide a broad experience of scientific concepts.
The girls and boys lucky enough to visit were able to have a go at experiments with a focus on sound, light, wind and movement. Students watched two shows: science practice and creating a fair test; and gases and combustion experiments. Everyone was very impressed by the loud bang as the demonstrator ignited a balloon full of hydrogen and oxygen!
This was a great learning experience for our students and our thanks to Boys’ School Head of Science, Mrs Catherine Linnell for her organisation to allow both schools to have this opportunity.