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Hamilton Wins College Cross Country

25 May 2015

Hamilton Wins College Cross Country

May 25, 2015 at 3:00 PM

For the third time this year, the Hamilton flag has been run up the flagpole for winning a major House competition at the College! Having won the House Swimming event early in the year, followed closely by House Athletics, they’ve now completed the trifecta with a solid win at last week’s cross country event.

Despite Hamilton’s outright win, with points gained through both participation and placement, it was Chalmers who dominated the podium with six of the ten first places! But these combined wins were not enough to secure Chalmers an overall win, leaving them placed second followed by Wishart then Cargill.

Despite the weather building for a weekend ‘weather bomb, the conditions on Friday proved perfect for a great day of cross country racing with light winds and a firm track. There was a huge turnout with over 1000 students signed up to compete.

We were pleased to welcome the Year 7 & 8 girls from the Girls’ School to take part in the event, along with the many family and friends who joined us on the side lines in support of the competitors.

There was some great running by all with impressive wins. Once on the home straight, many runners managed to find it in their energy reserves to sprint the final leg. This made for a last burst of fierce competition between the Houses!

The top runners will now compete in the Auckland Cross Country to be held at Pukekohe in two weeks’ time.

Cross Country Champions 2015

Senior Boys: Cameron Lowe – Wishart

Senior Girls: Isabella Richards – Cargill

Intermediate Boys: Daniel Whitburn – Chalmers

Intermediate Girls: Hannah Blake – Chalmers

Junior Boys: Dylan McCullough – Hamilton

Junior Girls: Sophie Wilkinson – Chalmers

Year 8 Boys: Tom Downs - Chalmers

Year 8 Girls: Terri Jane Warner – Hamilton (Girls’ School)

Year 7 Boys: Sophie Spencer – Chalmers

Year 7 Boys: Jacob Spring - Chalmers

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