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Boys' School

Hamilton is Boys’ School’s Relay Champions!

14 April 2022

Hamilton is Boys’ School’s Relay Champions!

April 14, 2022 at 4:56 PM

After a postponement due to the possible bad weather, our boys head to the pool today for their annual House Relay. Under clear blue skies, the races got underway with teams of four taking turns to compete and the rest of the school cheering them on from the bank.

House spirits rose as the events unfolded and competition became more intense. The student versus staff race was also hotly contested with staff reaching the finishing line first in a very close race.

It was amazing to see all the boys out together, the sea of colours, the competitive spirit and not forgetting the lively house chants. What a fantastic way to end the term!

House Relay Champions










Well done to all participants, especially to the House Champion, Hamilton!