Haggis or Shortbread at Celtic Day
Haggis or Shortbread at Celtic Day
May 26, 2014 at 3:35 PM
The Preschool boys boarded a mini bus and headed to the Boys’ School Pipes and Drums in the parade. Our boys all wore a tartan sash and some even had on tartan kilts, hats and vests and looked very ‘Scottish’. The Pipes and Drums were very loud as the parade marched around the school field in front of all the mums, dads and visitors before heading into the Sports Centre. The boys sat beautifully for assembly listening to all the speeches and watching the Head Boy recite the ‘Ode to the Haggis.’ When offered some haggis, the boys didn’t hold back ...but others preferred the shortbread.
‘The haggis meat was so yummy – it smelled a bit funny and had yucky skin on it but I wanted more for my dinner,’ said one 4 year old!
‘My shortbread was more yummy – the haggis smelt yucky!’ said a 3 year old!
Te Whariki
Contribution: Children experience and develop positive judgements on other people’s ethnic group and culture.