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Grecian Garden Inspired Ball

28 May 2018

Grecian Garden Inspired Ball

May 28, 2018 at 3:42 PM

Arriving in varying style from limousines to party buses, 880 of our Year 12 and 13 students and their guests made their way to the Viaduct Events Centre on Wynyard Quarter for an unforgettable night of socialising dining and dancing at this year’s College Ball. 

Surrounded by Grecian pillars with tumbling ivy and fairy lights, the Grecian Garden inspired ball room was beautifully decorated in white, green and gold hues creating a magical setting for the evening. As always, our girls looked absolutely stunning in their evening wear and our boys were transformed into smart young men in their formal suits. 

Year after year, our College Ball is a well organised event. Our students always rise to the occasion and enjoy one of the best nights of the year - a night they will long-remember. For the Student Council, whose task it is to bring the evening together, it’s an exciting time as they work as a team to ensure that their ball is, by some small detail, better than the year before. It’s quite a challenge and yet every year the bar is raised another notch as the students check their task lists and issue the tickets knowing they have done all they can to make sure it’s an evening all can enjoy. 

With the decibels turned up, the dance floor was soon pumping as the students set about having a great night out with their friends. This year, the students were able to request songs, adding to the fun.  The official photographers were kept busy at each station, as were the ‘do-it-yourself’ photo booths, as students lined up to capture the evening. The Council went ‘all out’ this year with a 360◦ photobooth - just like they have on the red carpet at the Oscars! 

As the evening wore on, the ‘walk and fork’ style menu of sliders, Greek-inspired food, mini pizzas, pies and noodle boxes filled with salads were a welcome break to take a rest from dancing and ‘refuel’. 

The students were able to vote for the ‘titles’ given out on the night and after much deliberation by the Student Council, the students and staff who stood out for all the right reasons were awarded sashes, to their great delight! 

King and Queen of the Ball                        Hannah Williams and Rivez Reihana
Prince and Princess of the Ball                   Sam Ashton and Alex Hynds
Cutest Couple                                           Courtney Griffiths and Max Shorter
Best Dressed Male                                    George Shirtcliffe
Best Dressed Female                                 Milly Heimsath
Best Dressed Male Teacher                         Keith Taylor
Best Dressed Female Teacher                     Gemma Halford       

We constantly delight in our College students and the Ball is a chance for staff to see them in a totally new light. Their politeness, positive pride and enthusiasm for the occasion were a pleasure to share. 

Our sincere thanks to the Student Council for the dedicated and detailed work they undertook alongside Miss Alice Hamilton in planning the Ball. This is an enormous undertaking and one they can be proud of! 

Student Council:  Grace Payn, Rafe MacDonald, Bianca Connell, Abby Fowler, Brian Lee, Staryo Warren, Mackensie Cooper and Bella Thornton.