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Great Results in Trinity Speech and Drama Exams

06 November 2014

Great Results in Trinity Speech and Drama Exams

November 06, 2014 at 12:49 PM

Due to the increased demand for Itinerant Speech and Drama, in 2014 the College employed three outstanding Speech and Drama itinerant teachers: Catherine Watkins, Ashton Brown and Kate Hurst.

During most of Term 3, they worked alongside their students to prepare them for the Trinity College Speech and Drama examinations which were held at the College in late October.

Students prepare a selection of pieces to be presented in a solo or paired examination before an adjudicator from the London Examination Board.

Of the 48 students who sat the exams, it was most pleasing that in this first year of entering, 38 gained Distinctions (85 marks and above) and a further 12 gained Merit  (75 marks and above). A special mention to Lulu Denholm (Year 7) who gained top marks at the College with 95/100 for Grade One and to Sarah Courtney (Year 12) who gained 92/100 for Grade 7.

About Trinity
Trinity College London is an international exam board that has been providing assessments since 1877 in a unique spectrum of communicative skills — from music, drama and arts activities to English language — at all levels. Each year over 600,000 candidates in over 60 countries take a Trinity assessment.

Trinity exams and assessments are designed to help students progress. They inspire learners and mark their achievement at each stage of their development and at all levels of competence. The exams focus on assessing skills and how effectively the candidates can apply what they have learnt, not just on knowledge for its own sake.

Candidates are also encouraged to bring their own choices and interests into our exams — this motivates students and makes the assessment more relevant, interesting and enjoyable.