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Girls' School

Great ERO Review For The Girls' School

21 February 2020

Great ERO Review For The Girls' School

February 21, 2020 at 2:59 PM

During Term 4, an Education Review Office (ERO) evaluation was carried out to review the performance of the Girls’ School. We were proud to receive very positive verbal feedback confirming that the programmes we run, the rapport between staff and students, and the overall morale and sense of well-being at the campus is in great order!

ERO is the government department that evaluates and reports on the education and care of students in schools and early childhood services throughout New Zealand. The appointed reviewers are professional evaluators who have had many years of teaching experience before joining ERO. All have specific training in education evaluation. The purpose of the review is to evaluate and report on the quality of the education and care of students in individual schools and support a culture of ongoing improvement.

The Girls’ School was assessed on its premises, staffing, equipment, curriculum, tuition standards and other obligations such as health and safety, and provisions around international students. 

The initial verbal feedback from reviewers, Mrs Kirsty Holland and Mrs Carole Bradley Beale, was very pleasing. They were impressed with how positive the girls were, saying they found them to be ‘articulate and confident.’ They said the school supports ‘happy educational experiences’ and they liked the way the students were inclusive and looked after one another. They also mentioned the many roles and opportunities for students to foster leadership.

The reviewers affirmed the culture of the school and acknowledged that the Saint Kentigern Values are well lived, and that Service is a clear and important aspect of the curriculum. They also noted the positive relationships between the staff and students, mentioning the generous staffing levels and positive student to teacher ratios.

The reviewers acknowledged the wide variety of both specialist curricular and co-curricular opportunities available, and that there was an appropriate school-wide focus on literacy and numeracy. They added that the girls were well set up for learning with many achieving, and others well-supported where necessary. They took note of the many opportunities for students to enhance their learning using digital devices to support inquiry learning and research. They also noted that there is great support and pastoral care for international students.

The reviewers said they could see the strategic intent and cohesion across the Saint Kentigern schools and how professional development for the staff supports this.

Mrs Holland and Mrs Bradley Beale concluded their verbal feedback saying that the campus is well-maintained and that the premises, classrooms and resources support teachers to deliver the curriculum – and they believe the latter is well done with the majority of the girls achieving academic expectations.

We are sincerely thankful to Mrs Holland and Mrs Bradley Beale for the feedback. The 2019 ERO Report is a very successful outcome for the Girls’ School and reflects the hard work and dedication of all involved to ensure Saint Kentigern achieves the very best outcomes for our students.

Click here to read the final report.