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Boys' School

Grandparents Day at the Boy’s School

05 November 2022

Grandparents Day at the Boy’s School

November 05, 2022 at 5:00 PM

Excited chatter replaced the signs of usual activity in the Jubilee Sports Centre, generally filled with shrieks of laughter from PE class or the sound of the orchestra rehearsing. Streams of grandparents congregated at Saint Kentigern Boys’ School to enjoy a morning with their grandchildren.

While the boys’ settled in for the day, our special guests were greeted by Principal Mr Peter Cassie and some of the best musical acts from throughout the year. The assembly started with an address from Mr Cassie, which got everyone up for a game of ‘Last Man Standing’. The game revealed that some of our boys’ grandparents had travelled halfway across the world to be here, from Germany and Scotland to Texas; it was a great showing. The entertainment continued with the best showing of musical items from the year, including pieces from the Jazz Band and the cast from the school’s musical production Oliver!

The welcome concluded with a prayer from Chaplain Reverend Reuben Hardie and an announcement the grandparents and children were to meet on the upper sports field. If you were to scan the room, you’d have seen eyes light up at the prospect of spending the next few hours with their beloved grandsons. As the special guests gathered on the field, they were met with the familiar sound of the Pipes and Drums, followed by a haka performed by the Kapa Haka group. 

As the families united, you’d have never seen so many tight squeezes and broad smiles. There is something so special about a grandparent-to-grandchild bond. As Mr Cassie cheekily pointed out, genes are known to skip generations, and perhaps that’s why grandparents find grandchildren so likeable!

For the rest of the morning, the boys toured around the school, showing their grandparents where they learn, play, and no doubt where they get up to some mischief! Everyone sat for a delicious morning tea of biscuits, cakes, slices, and hot drinks courtesy of Parents and Friends and the boys’ families who brought in baked goods to share.

To a child, love is spelt T I M E. Grandparents Day is a non-negotiable at the Boys’ School, as we understand the importance and impact quality time with their loved ones can have. Thank you to all involved in the performances, the grandparents who travelled from near and far, the organisers of all the delicious food, and Mr Peter Cassie, who continues to make family a priority at the school.