Gold Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award Ceremony 2015
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award Ceremony 2015
May 13, 2015 at 8:59 AM
Taking on the Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Gold Award is a huge commitment in time during the final year at College and such are the requirements of the Award, most students achieve gold status after leaving school. Twenty nine of our 2014 graduates have gone on to receive their Gold Award with those who were able, attending the ceremony held at the Boys’ School where their awards were presented by Sarah Hillary, daughter of Sir Edmund Hillary.
The Gold Qualifying group undertook their practice and qualifying expeditions during the summer break at the start of 2014. They initially completed a three day kayaking expedition on the Tamaki Estuary and across to Browns Island. The final qualifying four day expedition took place around Kawau Island where the students displayed leadership, teamwork and mastered skills.
Throughout their final year at College in 2014, the Gold Award students went far and wide as they completed their residential project. This required them to spend five days in an unfamiliar environment undertaking activaities that are of benefit to themselves or others.
Gold Award Recipients:
Scott Allright, Callum Andrews, Hannah Ashby, Alice Boyd, Ashley Chan, Georgia Clapp, Ishara Dhambagolla, Sophie Dodd, Lucy Eden, April Finni, Rachel Goldstine, Daniel Greer, Jacob Latham, Jasmine Louie, Aimee McMaster, Sam Morris, Yitian Pang, Louis Panszczyk, Courtney Rowse, Rachel Smith, Mena Vaimasenuu, Shuo Yang.