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Going Mufti For A Cause!

23 September 2015

Going Mufti For A Cause!

September 23, 2015 at 9:13 AM

Mufti Day means many things to many people. For some it's just the chance to attend school in comfortable attire, for others it's the agony of deciding just what is socially acceptable attire and for the rest, it's a chance to let their alter-ego shine!

The sight of a pair of Bananas in Pyjamas, Captain Jack Sparrow and the Grinch who stole Christmas getting off the school bus this morning was the first clue that this was not just 'another day!' 'Wind Back Wednesday' brought a blast from the past to College as all manner of attire filed through the College gates. Whilst the majority dressed for comfort, the seniors got into theme with many paying homage to their childhood memories or delving further back to the swinging 60's and beyond!

Whilst there was much fun to be had, at the heart of the day was a serious matter with the eye on disadvantaged New Zealand children in local, low decile schools. For a number of years, one aspect of our service programme has been to work with selected primary schools to create a Garden to Table programme.

This year, three schools have been identified and the money raised from today's efforts - $5 from each student in mufti - will go towards assisting the schools to build raised garden boxes and supplying compost, tools and the re-planting of 1000 vegetable seedlings raised at College. These will be planted at schools where the students will be helped and encouraged to tend to a garden at their school, in the hope that they will go on to set up their own vegetable gardens at home.

Our Year 7 and 9 students will assist with this programme, with the Year 7's planting the seeds at College early in Term 4. The Year 9's will then deliver and help plant the seedlings at the nominated schools during Home Centre later in the year. It is a great opportunity for our students to support the local schools and the wider community.