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Glasgow Cathedral Performance for College Pipes & Drums

10 July 2013

Glasgow Cathedral Performance for College Pipes & Drums

July 10, 2013 at 2:24 PM

A trip to Scotland is the ultimate experience for any young piper or drummer who has committed to achieve a standard of excellence in their musical performance.

The Saint Kentigern Pipes & Drums first enjoyed their inaugural tour to Scotland in 1997 and since then, successive trips by the band have provided each new generation of students with a focus for their years of training and performance.

Now on their fifth visit to Glasgow, the 2013 tour departed last week on their symbolic journey which offers a link to Saint Kentigern’s ancestral roots, and gives meaning to the musicians who have chosen the bagpipes or drums as their instrument of choice.

During a Sunday service at the Glasgow Cathedral, a letter written by Chairman of the Saint Kentigern Trust Board, Dr Bruce Goodfellow, was read aloud by Assistant Minister Reverend Ada Macleod expressing Dr Goodfellow’s appreciation of the invitation from the Cathedral for our Pipes & Drums band to play after the ceremony.

Below is the video of the letter being read;

Deputy Head of College and Head of Senior School Suzanne Winthrop is one of the accompanying staff members on the trip. In her letter update back to the College she writes:

“Yesterday was an amazing day to be staying in Dunblane. In Glasgow we watched Andy Murray win Wimbledon - you can imagine the emotion and excitement. Then as we were driving back to have dinner in Dunblane we heard on the radio it is Murray's home town so walking through the town and eating in a local cafe in the evening was such a treat and privilege to experience the celebrations, especially in a town that has had such a sad recent history.

That made the whole of Sunday so special because we were treated like royalty at Glasgow Cathedral and we really enjoyed being part of the service. It made me feel our Saint Kentigern community is part of something so much bigger and significant. They were so impressed with our Band and said they outshone the local school bands. I felt so proud of all our students. Their performance was live streamed onto the Glasgow Cathedral website. Being here has made me realize even more what an important part of Saint Kentigern our Pipes & Drums are.

The group has so far visited Oban and are travelling on to Iona as their next destination.