Girls Take Lesson in Government
Girls Take Lesson in Government
June 28, 2013 at 12:33 PM
As part of studying Social Sciences, Year 7 Teacher Jan Davidge prepared an interesting and fun trip on local government which included a visit to Mayor Len Brown’s office!
When Ms Davidge enquired about arranging the girls to visit the Mayor’s office, they were only too happy for it to happen.
In preparation the girls spent a couple of sessions in the week before, finding out what the Auckland Council is responsible for and began to record their findings.
On arrival at the Town Hall the girls were taken to the official reception room to await the Mayor. He came and shook hands with everyone, and generally introduced himself and his secretary. The reporter from the Courier Newspaper was also there covering the girls visit.
Once seated around, the girls each had a question for the Mayor which they had discussed the day before. The Mayor spoke enthusiastically to the group and answered all the questions about his role, his own education and how he got to be the Mayor. He then talked about how he deals with criticism, occasions he has enjoyed, being the Mayor, challenges that face him and his vision for the future.
The Mayor was wearing the glorious gold chain around his neck which records on it all the past Mayors' names, each on a gold link which he told the girls about. He also talked about his own family which are all girls, and was really very down to earth right through the interview.
The girls were supposed to have only 15 minutes with the Mayor, but half an hour later they were still there with him!
All the girls came away very impressed at how approachable and human he was, and since their visit have put together presentations focusing on the Mayor and the work of the Auckland Council.
With thanks to Year 7 Teacher, Jan Davidge
Read stuff.co.nz's article here.