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Girls' School

Girls' School Student Leadership 2015

11 February 2015

Girls' School Student Leadership 2015

February 11, 2015 at 1:32 PM

Today, at the second Chapel of the year, the Girls’ School commissioned their new Leadership Team for 2015. On a glorious summer’s day, the family members of the Year 8 leaders joined together with the School to share the marked occasion in the girls’ last senior year. This was a particularly special morning for the newly elected Head Girl, Moiralisa Ainu'u Aneru and Deputy Head Girl, Zara Smith as they stepped into their new roles of leadership. These two young women display the values of Saint Kentigern; loyalty, integrity, honesty and respect and will work hard to meet the challenges of their prestigious positions.

As Dr Sandra Hastie addressed the morning’s service, she spoke to the girls about the five qualities she thinks are required to become not just a leader, but a ‘great’ leader.

  1. A great leader says, ‘Yes, I can.’ It's called the power of positive attitude.
  2. A great leader says, ‘It's not a problem, it's a challenge.’ It's called overcoming adversity.
  3. A great leader says, ‘Never give up, never give up, never give up.’ It's called perseverance.
  4. A  great leader says, ‘I may fail or make mistakes BUT I always learn and move ahead.’ It's called commitment.
  5. A great leader says, ‘I will always do my best.’ It's called excellence.

Dr Hastie said, ‘I know that 2015 is going to be a special year for all of you – you are going to make a difference and I am confident that the mark that you will leave will be one that is positive and is remembered. I look forward to working with you as we work together to continue to build on the strong and permanent foundation that has been laid before you by our previous leaders of this great school.’

The School welcomed Mrs Suzanne Winthrop, Deputy Head of Saint Kentigern College and Grace Wood, this year’s College Head Girl to join the service. In passing on her guidance to the girls, Grace told them, ‘Leadership is about being the eyes that notice the things that other people don’t notice. It’s about noticing that someone’s having a hard time, or that that person needs a friend, or that person needs encouragement. My advice to you is this: To the new leaders, remember that people are watching you and looking to you as an example. You have been granted power, so use it wisely. To those of you that are still in Years 1-7, don’t think you have any less of an ability to make a difference. Remember that great leadership comes from love and service, so go forth with a positive attitude. You can and you will make a difference, no matter how small.’

Moiralisa and Zara called each new leader forward to receive their badge, sign the Leadership book and stand on the sanctuary steps. Principal, Dr Sandra Hastie read the pledge, asking the girls to serve Saint Kentigern Girls’ School to the best of their ability; at all times demonstrating a sense of pride in all they do; and with a sense of caring and friendship for all girls and staff.

Reverend Reuben Hardie concluded the service with a few words about student leadership. He echoed Dr Hastie’s sentiment on kindness to others and said that he looked forward to all that they would bring to the School in their responsibilities this year.

Leadership Team 2015

Head Girl: Moiralisa Ainu'u Aneru

Deputy Head Girl: Zara Smith

Head of Student Council: Ava Beca

Deputy Head of Student Council: Kristen Hansen

Chapel Leader: Selena Agaimalo

Deputy Head of Chapel: Hannah Timo

Head of Sports: Sarah Tookey

Deputy Head of Sports: Terri-Jane Warner

Head of Cargill: Alexandra Knox

Deputy of Cargill: Chelsea-Rose Haydon

Head of Chalmers: Abigail Mills

Deputy Head of Chalmers: Isabella Duncan

Head of Hamilton: Sofia Montgomerie

Deputy Head of Hamilton: Charlotte Carlson

Head of Wishart: Mia Dobbe

Deputy Head of Wishart: Aimee Johnson

Preschool Leaders: Sarah Murchison, Pippa Morris

Junior School Leaders: Stella Ralphs, Anudi Thilakarathne, Yvonne Fatani, Emma Turk

Head Librarian: Lisa Brokensha

Deputy Head Librarian: Katherine Fletcher

ICT Leaders: Yvonne Fatani, Emma Turk

Music: Scarlett Jacques

Head Girl
Moiralisa Ainu'u Aneru

Moiralisa joined the Girls’ School last year in Year 7 and in no time at all she had become a valued member of the School. She has a beautiful spirit and is a kind and capable girl who excels on the sport field, tries hard in the classroom and has a ‘can-do’ attitude giving everything 100% effort. She loves singing, which is one of her passions, and she also plays the violin. She considers it an absolute privilege to be the Head Girl and to be able to work with Zara Smith, her Deputy. When she grows up she wants to succeed in life and to become ‘a bold young lady; a lawyer that can debate on what is right and wrong.’ Moiralisa will lead her team with empathy and a sense of care and friendship to all.

Deputy Head Girl
Zara Smith

Zara was a new student at the Girls’ School in Year 4 and quickly settled into the School’s ways. She demonstrated that she was a girl of many talents and that was evident last year at Prize Giving. She has proved herself to be a high achiever academically, but there are other sides to her makeup. She is passionate about cricket and basketball, plays the piano and violin, and loves to sing. Zara says, ‘I have many passions, though I have yet to decide what career path I want to choose. Being Deputy Head Girl means a lot to me and my family, I think it’s such a huge privilege to lead the school and I'm totally thrilled to have this opportunity. I hope that through my role this year, my bubbly personality and will to enjoy school and everything that comes with it will rub off on the students. I want to encourage the younger ones to be kind, and, as Dr Hastie says, you have to be a friend to have friends.’