Girls' School Steps Back in History
Girls' School Steps Back in History
June 21, 2013 at 10:45 AM
Our Year 0-2 girls recently had an amazing day out of learning in times gone by at the Howick Historical Village.
The students spent the morning touring the village, exploring the historical buildings and discovering what life was like in New Zealand during Victorian times of the 1800s.
They then carried out four activities of the era, and along with their fantastic guides Mrs Hill and Mrs White, the girls made butter, experienced school life, dressed up in period costume and experimented with toys from the past.
The girls looked fantastic in their smart Victorian costumes, and they learned a great deal and behaved beautifully for the duration of the day.
A big thank you to Mrs Hilliam, Mrs Cheeseman, Mrs Bluck, Mrs O'Connell, Mrs Starrenburg and Mrs Taylor for their help.
Typical girls’ clothing during the 1800s:
Dress mid-calf length (not full length). Skirt and blouse are acceptable although not authentic. Optional petticoat and pantalets. Optional apron or pinafore. Stockings or long socks. Boots or shoes. Cape or shawl (square of fabric folded diagonally e.g. baby blanket or tablecloth) tied at the front or pinned with a brooch. Bare head, bonnet, or straw sun hat.
With thanks to Year 1 Teachers, Kirsty Westwood and Sallyanne Jones