Girls’ School Speech Competition
Girls’ School Speech Competition
September 07, 2018 at 3:30 PM
‘We speak not only to tell other people what we think, but to tell ourselves what we think. Speech is a part of thought. Oliver Sacks
In welcoming students and guests to the 2018 Girls’ School Speech Competition, Principal, Ms Juliet Small said, ‘Having the confidence to speak well is such an important life skill.’ Whilst for many, the idea of public speaking may invoke a sense of trepidation, that certainly wasn’t evident amongst the 26 girls who took to the stage this morning to deliver their prepared speeches to a large audience.
Each year group had an assigned topic on which to base their speech to ensure variety across the age groups, with the Year 4-8 competitive speeches interspersed with talks from selected students in Years 1-3. Regardless of the age group, the confidence was astonishing!
The top orators from each year level then progressed to today’s final. The standard was very high and many of the older students spoke on topical issues including: ‘Choose STEAM as a career path,' 'Service to others is the true key to happiness’ and ‘Failure is the pathway to success.’
We welcomed Del Costello as the adjudicator for the morning. Del is a registered teacher of Speech, Drama and Communication, an accredited Speech NZ examiner and is passionate about the performing arts and communication in New Zealand having taught Speech and Drama, Public Speaking and Musical Theatre for the last 20 years.
Mrs Costello likened the preparation of a speech to making a cake. You need to assemble the ingredients, mix in the right order and then bake it. ‘Sometimes,’ she said, ‘it may not come out quite right.’ But she hastened to add that today’s speeches were outstanding.
Congratulations to our winners:
Year 4 Charlotte Albrecht ‘Cycling’
Year 5 Emily Cornaga ‘Universal Studios’
Year 6 Ada Hu ‘Protect our Oceans’
Year 7 Anamia Rangihaeata ‘The right to be heard’
Year 8 Jade Nomani ‘Women choosing STEAM careers'
Year 1-3 Speakers:
Year 1 Emily Albrecht, Lydia Tang, Elsa Taylor
Year 2 Willow Carnegie and Jessica Pullar
Year 3 Olivia Hunter-Thodey, Cara Zhong, Phoebe Wakelin
Year 6 winner, Ada will go on to represent the school at the Year 5 and 6 APPA Remuera Zone Competition an both Ada and Year 8 winner, Jade will attend the Remuera Lion Annual Primary and Intermediate Schools Prepared Speech Competition.
Well done girls!