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Girls' School

Girls’ School Prizegiving

07 December 2017

Girls’ School Prizegiving

December 07, 2017 at 4:17 PM

As the year came to an end, Girls’ School students, their families, guests and teachers filled the JC Chalmers Hall at the Boys’ School for their annual Prizegiving this morning. It was a time to reflect on the past 12 months and to congratulate our students on their academic, sporting and cultural successes. 

Piper, Kate Pennycuick, one of the first Girls’ School students to learn the bagpipes, led the procession of staff and invited guests. Principal, Ms Juliet Small welcomed everyone before Chairman of the Trust Board, Dr John Kernohan congratulated the girls on how far they have come this year and said by doing so they have lived out the Saint Kentigern values. 

Head of Saint Kentigern, Mr David Hodge gave his address before Ms Small spoke again about the year in review and emphasised the importance of resilience and independence, and finished by wishing the Year 8 graduates all the best as they move on. 

The Junior and Middle School academic awards were presented by Trust Board Deputy Chair, Mrs Rosemary Harris. Principal of Senior College, Mrs Suzanne Winthrop presented the Year 7-8 girls with their awards. The cultural programme was celebrated with awards for art, speech, drama and music which were presented by Head of Saint Kentigern, Mr David Hodge. Chief Operating Officer, Mrs Merle Boniface presented the awards to our sports champions. 

Midway through, the formalities were paused with an item from the school orchestra and a drama piece by Year 8 student, Kate Christie, who performed a monologue titled ‘The Book Report.’ 

This year’s ‘Sportswoman of the Year’ was presented to Year 8 student, Khanye’ Lii Munro Nonoa who also received the award last year. Deputy Principal, Mrs Judith Dobson said, ‘In and outside of school, Khanye’-Lii is recognised as an elite, passionate young sportswoman who consistently strives to give her absolute best in a wide range of sports.’ 

The final awards of the morning, the ‘Special Awards’ were presented by Ms Small. Emma Csite received the Citizenship Award for demonstrating initiative, sincerity and supportiveness to others. Mariana Paravicini received the Service to the Preschool award and three girls were honoured to receive their Gold Service Award - Eva Colyer, Eva Melhuish and Torie Pickering.

Isabel Gilbert was recognised for her perseverance and resilience, by being awarded The Roberts Trophy. Sharmaine Tapling received the Gillian Eadie trophy for her initiative and entrepreneurial skills. A new trophy introduced this year, The Gaudeamus Cup for making a difference was presented to Eva Colyer, while Lola Wiltshire was awarded the Dr Sandra K Hastie Cup for School Spirit. With a very successful academic year, Kate Christie finished as the Proxime Accessit and Isabel Li was named the Dux of the School.

Isabel Li
Isabel entered the Girl’s School quietly focused on her learning. Highlights for her have been swimming sports and learning the violin at Year 4. This kindled an interest to the extent that Isabel set herself a goal to play in the orchestra. Isabel felt that speech and drama really helped her to become more confident. She has set goals around her academic learning and sometime in the future she would like to train to be a doctor. Service is important to Isabel, so she will continue to support service in her church group.

Kate Christie
Kate entered the Girls’ School and quickly established herself as a student with clear goals for her education. She joined the performers’ choir, loving the opportunity to develop her voice skills. She also enjoyed continuing with instrumental tuition. Speech and drama has also been a new subject for Kate and this year she took private lessons for the first time. In Year 7, she was first in English and took the overall prize of 1st in Year 7 and this was a highlight for her. This year she has been awarded that Social Science and Christian Education prize.

Khanye’-Lii Monro-Nonoa
Khanye’-Lii is a very talented sportswoman.At school Khanye’-Lii is a member of the Basketball A team and zone team. She has represented the school in the top Netball team, playing at the Netball zones, interzones and was a member of the AIMS team. She also represented and captained the Touch A team,  Zone team and Tournament Touch team. She qualified for the Cross-Country Zone team and the Athletics zone team placing in the top 3 places. As a motivated team member, she uses every opportunity to learn and improve.


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