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Girls' School

Girls’ School Prizegiving 2016

09 December 2016

Girls’ School Prizegiving 2016

December 09, 2016 at 12:18 PM

The Girls’ School students, staff, proud family and invited guests packed out the JC Chambers Hall at the Boys’ School for this year’s Prizegiving. It was an evening to celebrate our students from Year 0-8 in their academic, sporting and cultural successes. 

In great Saint Kentigern tradition, the official party of teachers and Trust Board members were piped in by Kate Pennycuick. All guests were welcomed by Principal, Ms Juliet Small, who said it is a time to reflect on the last 12 months. 

Chairman of the Board, Dr Bruce Goodfellow commended the Girls’ School for a year of progress. He said, ‘I hope you make the most of the remaining time at the school, it is your opportunity to take on new challenges and develop your talents in an environment where you are always being encouraged to do your best, we ask that you return next year ready to make it your best year.’ 

This year has been a year of ‘firsts’ for Ms Small. She said, ‘As I reflect the last 12 months in the role as Principal of the Girls’ school, I am so impressed by the calibre of the all the girls. I also appreciate that they strive for excellence across the academic, sporting, cultural and arts arenas, making the most of the many opportunities.’


Junior and Middle School academic awards were presented by Trust Board member, Mrs Rosemary Harris. College Head of Senior School, Mrs Suzanne Winthrop presented the Year 7-8 girls with their awards. The prolific cultural and sports programmes at the School were celebrated with awards for art, speech, drama and music, and the winners of our sports championships and most valuable players of our teams. 

During the evening, the formalities were interspersed with an item from the school orchestra and Drama student, Tiffany Rodrigo, who performed a monologue. 

This year ‘Sportswoman of the Year’ was presented to two students, Year 8 student, J’adore Harris-Tavita and Year 7 student, Khanye’ Lii Munro Nonoa. Deputy Principal, Mrs Judith Dobson said, ‘on checking all the data around their sporting achievements it was clear that both girls have performed at the highest level; both at school and outside of school.’ 

The first of the special awards was for Citizenship, which went to Tiffany Rodrigo and Year 8 student, Kaya Blackler was the recipient for the Dr Sandra K Hastie Cup for School Spirit. 

While it was a time of celebration, there was sense of sadness with it being the final gathering for the Year 8 girls before they embark on their next journey to College, as a Year 9 student. In her vote of thanks to the School, Head Girl, J’adore Harris-Tavita encouraged all students, especially the Year 7 girls going into Year 8, to make the most of every opportunity they are given. 

She said, ‘Make it your own. Leave a special mark on this school, which you will be pleased to look back on. I know I am proud to say that I have done that. She also paid tribute to her fellow Year 8 students and how close they were as a group. ‘The importance of getting along with each other, no matter what clique or posse you come from. It has been a highlight to be able to call them my sisters in blue,’ J’adore said.

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J’adore has proven herself to be a multi-talented student, who seems to effortlessly succeed across a whole range of activities, all the while maintaining a sunny disposition. Academically, J’adore has been very focused on her studies, showing excellent time management in order to meet her numerous cultural and sporting commitments. Her teachers praise her work ethic and the progress she has made in her two years. J’adore is a strong public speaker, winning the Year 8 speech competition and receiving a distinction in her speech exam. Throughout the year, she has maintained outstanding results across all subjects.


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Charlotte has been a member of our school community since she was 5 years old. During those years, she has won a number of prizes including the diligence award in Year 4 and Year 5.  English and writing in particular have been a strength for her and she has demonstrated this in winning the English prize in Year 6 and the poetry competition in Year 5 and 6. Charlotte also has strengths in sport but has been unable to be a full participant due to injuries. Music and speech and drama are also strengths and Charlotte is particularly looking forward to joining the drama class at the College.


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