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Girls' School

Girls' School Place at NIWA Science Fair

18 September 2014

Girls' School Place at NIWA Science Fair

September 18, 2014 at 4:08 PM

Five girls with a love of science saw Year 8 students, Sharon Susanto, Sharon Hung, Kate Pennycuick, Georgia Roberts and Zoe Spencer from the Girls’ School all receive placements recently at the NIWA Auckland City Science and Technology Fair. The annual event, celebrates the excellence in scientific and technological investigation carried out by Auckland City Year 7 to Year 13 students.

The girls’ ‘Highly Commended’ winning entries were amongst ten Year 8 projects entered into the competition that had been judged earlier in the term at the Girls’ School Science Fair. A team of judges, including scientists, educators and industry representatives selected the winners at the 55th regional fair where the projects sat on display.

Sharon Susanto’s project, ‘A Miracle Water’ entered in the Year 7 & 8 Material World category, also claimed a Special Prize - a Bronze Sponsor’s Award by the NZIFST Award for Food Technology.

The girls all attended the NIWA Prize Giving Ceremony held at King’s School War Memorial Hall in Remuera. The main speaker for the evening was NIWA meteorologist and forecaster, Chris Brandilino who spoke enthusiastically and was very encouraging of persevering with science and making a commitment to finding and discovering answers.

He also encouraged students to keep working at getting the 'tools' for the great jobs in engineering and science and to 'be good at maths and science' to learn the skills. His final plea to the young students was for more women to be strong in science and continue to be good scientists.

NIWA Auckland City Science and Technology Fair Results:

Sharon Susanto: ‘A Miracle Water’ - Material World Year 7-8 - Highly Commended

Kate Pennycuick: 'Produce Power’ - Material World Year 7-8 - Highly Commended

Sharon  Hung: ‘Wire Me Up’ - Physical World  Year 7-8 - Highly Commended

Georgia Roberts ‘Is Your Cat Fat?’ - Living World Year 7-8 - Highly Commended

Zoe Spencer: Is Your Patty Fatty?’ - Material World  Year 7-8 - Highly Commended