Girls' School Leadership Team 2014
Girls' School Leadership Team 2014
February 19, 2014 at 3:25 PM
On a cicada filled summer morning, with just a hint of anticipation in the air, the Girls’ School students walked the familiar path down to Somervell Church to gather with staff and families for their weekly chapel. Although the Wednesday routine was familiar, on this day it was to be a very new and significant ceremony for the Year 8 girls selected for the Leadership Team of 2014. This was especially true for new Head Girl, Emerald Bendall and Deputy Head Girl, Lucy Frazer, two young women who display loyalty, integrity, honesty and respect, and who will work hard to meet the challenges of their prestigious positions.
At the Commissioning Service, the School welcomed Mrs Suzanne Winthrop, Deputy Head of Saint Kentigern College, Hannah Wood, the newly elected Head Girl of the College for 2014 and Deborah James, Executive Director at ISNZ. In passing on her guidance to the girls Hannah told them, ‘the most important thing I have learned about leadership is that it is an opportunity to really listen and learn from people. Use this to represent them and serve them as best you can as you have been given a chance to give something back to your community, and have the power to make a difference.’ She challenged all girls, every single student there that day, to make just one goal for this year; one thing they can do that will affect an issue that they strongly believe in, and then stick to it. In closing Hannah left the girls with these thoughts, ‘Don’t be afraid to dream big. We are all strong, powerful young women and we have the ability to achieve so much. I leave it in your capable hands to decide how.’
One by one the new leaders came forward to receive their badge, sign the Leadership book and stand on the sanctuary steps. Each of these girls have already exemplified the Saint Kentigern values and made a significant contribution to her School. Principal Dr Sandra Hastie read the Pledge, asking the girls to serve Saint Kentigern Girls’ School to the best of their ability; at all times demonstrating a sense of pride in all they do; and with a sense of caring and friendship for all the girls and staff. Dr Hastie then reflected on a question someone had once asked her and one that she will always remember. She shared and posed this same question to the girls - ‘What legacy will you leave behind? What will you be remembered for at the end of 2014? Will it be for going the extra mile? Your support and cheer on the side-lines to your fellow students? Putting yourself last and not first? Making a difference? Or knowing all your House team by name?’ Dr Hastie said above all of these qualities, she wants the girls to be remembered for their kindness to all those around them. In doing so, they will make a positive mark on the School and will build on the strong and permanent foundation laid before them.
Reverend Reuben Hardie concluded the service with a few words about servant leadership. He echoed Dr Hastie’s sentiment on thoughtfulness to others and said that he looked forward to all that they would bring to the School in their responsibilities this year.
Leadership Team 2014
Head Girl: Emerald Bendall
Deputy Head Girl: Lucy Frazer
Head of Student Council: Charlotte Lindsay Smail
Chapel Leader: Fayth Doherty
Deputy Chapel Leader: Sophia Pettigrove
Head of Cargill: Avantika Srinivasan
Deputy Head of Cargill: Sharon Susanto
Head of Chalmers: Nazanin Tuaa
Deputy Head of Chalmers: Zoe Spencer
Head of Hamilton: Sandia Mohammed
Deputy Head of Hamilton: Georgia Roberts
Head of Wishart: Annie Yu
Deputy Head of Wishart: Renee Flay
Sports Leader: Annika Sethi
Deputy Sports Leader: Kate Pennycuick
Music Leader: Sharon Hung
Head Librarian: Manisha Singh
Deputy Head Librarian: Lara Ambridge
ICT Leaders: Zara Kotwal, Sharon Susanto
Junior School Leaders: Grace Stehlin, Emilia Radisich, Sara Goldfinch
Preschool Leaders: Isabelle Reid, Brianna Casbolt
Head Girl
Emerald Bendall
Emerald joined the Girls’ School half way through Year 6. She excels both on the sports field and in the classroom, supported by her exceptional ‘can do’ attitude and enthusiastic approach toward everything she undertakes. In her first year at the School, Emerald won 1st place in the Cross Country in 2012, which earned her a Principal’s Award. She also enjoys playing netball, always giving 100% to every game. An avid contributor to Service and helping others, Emerald has displayed her kindness through her long term commitment and reliability to Buddy Reading. Her keen interest in Sciences saw her win the Year 7 Science and Social Science Awards in 2013. Emerald has proven herself to be a student who lives the core values of the School and will make an outstanding Head Girl.
Deputy Head Girl
Lucy Frazer
This is Lucy’s eighth year in the School and during those years she has developed from a shy young girl into a more confident young woman who is fully aware of the values that the School holds dear. Especially evident is her kindness and thoughtfulness of all with whom she has contact, as well as the careful consideration she gives to the feelings of others. This led to her being chosen as the recipient of the Remuera Lion’s Citizenship award in 2012. Lucy is a keen swimmer and a talented speech and drama student, achieving honours in Grade 4 speech examinations. Her goals for this year include building her leadership skills, improving in mathematics and in touch rugby. As Deputy Head Girl, Lucy will work hard to meet the challenges of the position.