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Girls' School

Girls' School Leaders Commissioning 2016

10 February 2016

Girls' School Leaders Commissioning 2016

February 10, 2016 at 12:00 PM

'A great leader's courage to fulfil her vision comes from passion, not position.' John C. Maxwell

This morning's Girls' School chapel service had an extra special significance with the commissioning of the student leadership team for 2016. For these Year 8 girls, and in particular Head Girl, J'adore Harris-Tavita and Deputy Head Girl, Nieve Campbell, today marked the start of their time as mentors to their fellow students and ambassadors of the School. 2016 will be their opportunity to impart their legacy and leave their mark in the School's history and its future.

In addition to the students looking smart in their formal uniforms, Somervell Church was also full of proud parents and supporters of the students being commissioned into their roles. The School also welcomed the Deputy Head of College, Mrs Suzanne Winthrop, newly elected Head Girl of the College, Sydney Fraser, and Director of the Preschool, Mrs Sue Nash. As well as being Head Girl, Sydney is also a senior member of the Premier Girls Touch and Premier Netball teams at the College, and was able to pass on her leadership experience to the girls. 'No matter how big or small your leadership role may be, grab it with both hands and put 100 per cent effort into it,' she said. 'A good leader is someone who people trust and tries her best in everything she does. She is someone who does things not for the badge, but for the pleasure of helping others. She is loyal, trustworthy and honest. But the main value a leader must have is respect, for her peers, her parents and her teachers. Treat others how you want to be treated and I guarantee you will gain respect in return. It is important to stay true to yourself and be the person you want to be. I wish you all the best for the fantastic and promising year ahead.'

The commissioning service also coincided with the first day of Lent. In his chapel message, Reverend Reuben Hardie told how the story of Lent provides an excellent example of leadership. During Jesus' retreat into the wilderness, he was challenged to three tests, or temptations: popularity, by turning stone into bread; power, by being encouraged to command the angels to his will; and status, by exerting dominion over the world. 'But Jesus chose a humble path,' said Reverend Hardie. 'Leadership isn't about popularity, power or status – it's about humility, putting others first and serving for success of each other. This is the vision of leadership that we hold to at Saint Kentigern.'
The leaders were then called up individually by J'adore and Nieve to be congratulated by Principal, Miss Juliet Small. They received their badges, signed the leadership book and affirmed the leadership pledge, 'to uphold the values and standards of Saint Kentigern Girls' School and to serve its students, teachers and parents to the best of your ability and for the glory of God.'

Head Girl
J'adore Harris-Tavita

J'adore joined Saint Kentigern Girls' School at the beginning of 2015 and quickly became part of the school community through her involvement in a wide range of activities. She has made the most of the opportunities that have been offered to her and she has achieved at the highest level on both the academic and sporting field. At the 2015 prizegiving, she received the First in Year 7 academic prize and was first in English, mathematics and Christian education. She was also the most promising voice student for music. J'adore is well respected by the whole school community and understands the values of Saint Kentigern and is excited about this important role she is undertaking; appreciating that she will be responsible for making sure that the leadership team work together and is inclusive of all others.

Deputy Head Girl
Nieve Campbell

Nieve became a Saint Kentigern girl as a Year 4 student and thoroughly demonstrated her knowledge of the Saint Kentigern Way; having a brother at the Boys' School and an older brother who attended the College. Nieve is always ready to share ideas and opinions and has a real understanding of what it means to be a good citizen and give service to others. In 2015 Nieve was awarded the Old Collegians Scholarship, having impressed the panel with her warm and confident manner. Nieve has also been the recipient of the Remuera Lions' Citizenship Award and was acknowledged for her service to the Junior School in 2015.

Leadership Team 2016

Head Girl: J'adore Harris-Tavita
Deputy Head Girl: Nieve Campbell
Head of Student Council: Charlotte Koerber
Deputy Leader of Student Council, Deputy Leader of Chalmers: Tiffany Rodrigo
Chapel Leader: Rachel Black
Deputy Chapel Leader, Deputy Head of Hamilton: Anna McKenzie
Head of Cargill: Charlotte Tse
Deputy Head of Cargill: Sophie Rickman
Head of Chalmers: Anastasia Mulcahy
Head of Hamilton: Lisa Sandbrook
Head of Wishart: Lily-Belle Sawyer
Deputy Head of Wishart: Florence Dallow
Sports Leader: Kaya Blackler
Deputy Sports Leader: Elyse Tse
Arts Leader – Music: Jorja Hendricks
Arts Leader – Performance: Addison Peebles
Head Librarian: Karen Liao
Deputy Head Librarian: Taylor Maxwell
ICT Leaders: Ruby Akolo, Chelsea Baxter
Junior School Leader: Anna Carr
Preschool Leaders: Madison Hickin, Frankie Reid